Join us for Holy Week 2023

Palm Sunday 

March 24 | 10:30AM

In-Person or Watch Live Online

Maundy Thursday

March 28 | 7:00PM

In-Person or Watch Live Online

Good Friday 

March 29 | 12:00PM

In-Person or Watch Live Online

Resurrection Sunday

March 31 | 10:30AM

In-Person or Watch Live Online.

Easter Service - FAQs

Expect to meet with the God who loves you.

Our goal is that you leave talking about how great God is!  We believe that he loves all people regardless of age, ethnicity, or experiences.  The Bible reminds us that we are all broken people, incapable of rescuing ourselves from the consequences of our own rebellion, but God sent Jesus Christ in our place that we might be redeemed, restored, and repurposed. 


Expect to meet with people who care about you

Our goal is that each person that comes through the doors will understand and experience God's love through us.  People matter to God and they matter to us.  We look forward to connecting with you and hearing your story, sharing our story, and helping you see how your life can connect with God's great story.


WHAT SHOULD I WEAR? Something clean--Some people wear jeans, some will be in dresses or suits.  Just wear something you would feel comfortable connecting with God and others in.


HOW LONG IS THE WORSHIP SERVICE? The service is ormally between 60-70 minutes.


WHAT ABOUT MY KIDS DURING WORSHIP? Nursery is available for the entirety of the worship service for children that have not entered Kindergarten yet.  Our children and students will have the same opportunities to connect with God through the songs and the sermon as you do.


SHOULD I BRING A BIBLE? You are encouraged to bring a Bible, whether a print version or an electronic version.  We also encourage the use of Bible study apps like Blue Letter Bible.  Additional Bibles are located in the pews in case you do not bring one.


DO I HAVE TO GIVE MONEY? There will be an offering taken during the worship service, but you are encouraged to simply be our guest.  


DO I NEED TO WEAR A MASK?   Masks are optional.  Some will choose to wear them while others choose not to do so and both decisions are okay!