Currently virus numbers are trending down and some in the church have received their first or second dose of the vaccine. With that in mind, over the next few weeks, our staff will be providing a series of articles to help you think through when you should return to the church building. It is our goal to encourage you to prayerfully consider when you should return and not to make you feel guilty for watching from home (unless God has shown you that you should return, and you have not done so yet).
Today 3/5, I (Mrs. Carol Stewart), would like to offer you some thoughts on why families with children should return to our in-person services. Covid 19 and the quarantine has been hard on all of us, but particularly on families with children. As I ponder the question, I recognize that it might not be the right time for everyone with children to return yet. But, let us consider a few reasons why we should be prayerfully seeking God’s will on this. I have come up with three different, but related reasons- Example, Comfort & Proximity.
To say that parents are the most important role models in their child’s life is an understatement. Children are watching us and learning from us like little sponges. When we “show” them how important corporate worship is, we are telling them that it is worth the time and effort to gather and worship our Lord and Savior. We are also modeling this important facet of our relationship while sitting beside them in the pew as an example of putting God first.
Although the church pew is not as comfortable as our couch or Lazy Boy at home, our attendance at worship is an outward sign that our comfort is not the most important aspect of who we are. Masks are also not comfortable for most people, but our willingness to ‘don the mask’ for everyone’s safety is a great way for parents and other people of our church to visibly show that we care more about the needs of others than our own comfort.
Finally, let me mention the importance of proximity. I am acutely aware that the time spent with other believers is an important part of our Christian identity. Having raised a military family due to my husband’s military service, my children grew up to value their Christian brothers and sister (they simply did not have extended family around them). As they have matured and grown into adulthood, the bonds of Christian family have continued to be very important to them in their own churches.
The church is taking measures to make sure that our church family is safe to return to church, but please let us know of any concerns or ways that we can assist you as we come back together. Also, could you please pray for me for wisdom in adding more ministry options for our children and their parents. If you have any inventive ideas, please give me a call. I truly miss seeing so many smiling faces that I have come to love. Interesting how we have learned to see their smile in their eyes, due to masks. It still fills my heart with joy.
The Bible says- “Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old, he will not depart from it”- Proverbs 22:6. We cannot make the choice for our children to make Jesus their Lord and Savior, but we can guide them by our own lives and the example we set.