You can view a recent sermon below, or view our archives for additional sermons.
January 5, 2025 | Jason Mitchell | Practicing Faith in Trying Times | James 1:1-12
Join us as we begin a new sermon series on practicing our faith in the situations where God has us. In this first week of the series we will look at asking God for his wisdom and his help to endure difficulties as we practice our faith in the new year.
Order of Worship | Recording | Sermon Review
January 12, 2025 | Jason Mitchell | Practicing Faith in Tempting Times | James 1:13-18
We live in a world full of temptation. Join us on 1/12 as we look at how to practice our faith by rejoicing in the good things God provides and by rejecting the sinful substitutes that can easily deceive us.
Order of Worship | Recording | Sermon Review
January 19, 2025 | Practicing Faith: Receiving God's Word | James 1:19-25
Join us on 1/19 as we learn how to practice our faith by listening to God's Word, looking at ourselves in light of God's Word, and living according to God's Word. We will also celebrate believer's baptism in this worship service.
January 26, 2025 | Practicing Faith by Serving All | James 1:26-2:7
In this passage James calls us to practice our faith and avoid favoritism and to serve others regardless of their earthly status. Join us for this special service where we commemorate the faithful service of Ken Gibson as a deacon emeritus and set apart Fred Wilkins as a new deacon.
February 2, 2025 | Practicing Faith: Completely Guilty or Completely Forgiven | James 2:8-13
Join us as we look at the seriousness of being perfect before God and the perfect mercy of God shown to us in Christ. We will celebrate the Lord's Supper as part of this service.
February 9, 2025 | Practicing a Dynamic Faith not a Dead Faith | James 2:14-26
James calls us to evaluate our faith according to what we do and not just what we say. In this passage James contrasts a dead faith and a demonic faith with a dynamic faith. Join us as we ask God to help us practice a dynamic faith!
February 16, 2025 | Practicing Faith: Watching Your Words | James 3:1-12
James has warned us to not just say we have faith, but to show our faith. Here in James 3, James warns us to practice our faith by also watching out because of the powerful impact of what we do say!
February 23, 2025 | Practicing Faith: Wisdom that Works | James 3:13-18
In this passage James calls us to reject the wrong source of wisdom and to receive and practice God's true wisdom. Join us on 2/23 as we ask God to help us know and do what is wise and honorable from James and from selected passages from Proverbs.
March 2, 2025 | Practicing Faith: A Friend or an Enemy? | James 4:1-10
James calls upon us to recognize the severity of our sin and how it makes us enemies of God while also calling upon us to rejoice that in Christ, we can be forgiven and called friends of God.
March 9, 2025 | Practicing Faith: Distracted and Destroyed | James 4:11-17
James 4 warns about the destruction that can quickly come upon us when we get distracted or deceived instead of doing what God has commanded. This humbling passage helps us practice our faith even in how we think about the future!
March 16, 2025 | Practicing Faith or Wasting Wealth? | James 5:1-6
In this passage James warns us about the dangers of wasting what God has entrusted to us. Join us for this important Sunday where we talk about practicing our faith by honoring God with all the treasures he has put into our lives.
You can view a recent sermon below, or view our archives for additional sermons.
January 5, 2025 | Jason Mitchell | Practicing Faith in Trying Times | James 1:1-12
Join us as we begin a new sermon series on practicing our faith in the situations where God has us. In this first week of the series we will look at asking God for his wisdom and his help to endure difficulties as we practice our faith in the new year.
Order of Worship | Recording | Sermon Review
January 12, 2025 | Jason Mitchell | Practicing Faith in Tempting Times | James 1:13-18
We live in a world full of temptation. Join us on 1/12 as we look at how to practice our faith by rejoicing in the good things God provides and by rejecting the sinful substitutes that can easily deceive us.
Order of Worship | Recording | Sermon Review
January 19, 2025 | Practicing Faith: Receiving God's Word | James 1:19-25
Join us on 1/19 as we learn how to practice our faith by listening to God's Word, looking at ourselves in light of God's Word, and living according to God's Word. We will also celebrate believer's baptism in this worship service.
January 26, 2025 | Practicing Faith by Serving All | James 1:26-2:7
In this passage James calls us to practice our faith and avoid favoritism and to serve others regardless of their earthly status. Join us for this special service where we commemorate the faithful service of Ken Gibson as a deacon emeritus and set apart Fred Wilkins as a new deacon.
February 2, 2025 | Practicing Faith: Completely Guilty or Completely Forgiven | James 2:8-13
Join us as we look at the seriousness of being perfect before God and the perfect mercy of God shown to us in Christ. We will celebrate the Lord's Supper as part of this service.
February 9, 2025 | Practicing a Dynamic Faith not a Dead Faith | James 2:14-26
James calls us to evaluate our faith according to what we do and not just what we say. In this passage James contrasts a dead faith and a demonic faith with a dynamic faith. Join us as we ask God to help us practice a dynamic faith!
February 16, 2025 | Practicing Faith: Watching Your Words | James 3:1-12
James has warned us to not just say we have faith, but to show our faith. Here in James 3, James warns us to practice our faith by also watching out because of the powerful impact of what we do say!
February 23, 2025 | Practicing Faith: Wisdom that Works | James 3:13-18
In this passage James calls us to reject the wrong source of wisdom and to receive and practice God's true wisdom. Join us on 2/23 as we ask God to help us know and do what is wise and honorable from James and from selected passages from Proverbs.
March 2, 2025 | Practicing Faith: A Friend or an Enemy? | James 4:1-10
James calls upon us to recognize the severity of our sin and how it makes us enemies of God while also calling upon us to rejoice that in Christ, we can be forgiven and called friends of God.
March 9, 2025 | Practicing Faith: Distracted and Destroyed | James 4:11-17
James 4 warns about the destruction that can quickly come upon us when we get distracted or deceived instead of doing what God has commanded. This humbling passage helps us practice our faith even in how we think about the future!
March 16, 2025 | Practicing Faith or Wasting Wealth? | James 5:1-6
In this passage James warns us about the dangers of wasting what God has entrusted to us. Join us for this important Sunday where we talk about practicing our faith by honoring God with all the treasures he has put into our lives.
December 8, 2024 | Ron Lithgow | He IS Peace | Zephaniah 3:14-20
We are correctly afraid of evil! And then we realize that fear and peace are opposites! But Zephaniah (Zeph 3:14-20) foretold the day and the way that God would allay our fears and bring His peace to us. At Christmas we celebrate Immanuel, God with us. May we invite Him into every area of our lives. He IS peace.
December 15, 2024 | Jason Mitchell | Captivated by Joy | Isaiah 52:1-10
Join as we look at the joyous message given to the Jewish people regarding God's salvation and how Christ is the good news of great joy for all people (Luke 2:10)
December 22, 2024 | Jason Mitchell | Besieged by Hope | Micah 5:1-5
Join us as we look at how the hope of Christ was given to the Jewish people in their trouble and how the hope of Christ should guard us even when we feel as if we are surrounded by destruction and brokenness.
December 24, 2024 | Jason Mitchell | God with Us (Immanuel) | Genesis - Revelation
Join us for a special Christmas eve service where we walk through the story of the Bible seeing God's presence in the Garden, God's promise to be present with his people in the OT, God with people in Christ in the NT, God with us in his Spirit today, and God with us for all eternity in the future.
December 29, 2024 | Jason Mitchell | The Presence of God for the Mission of God | Joshua 1:1-9, Matthew 28:16-20
Join us as we look at how God's promised presence empowers God's people for God's mission in the Bible and as we ask God to prepare our hearts and lives for his purposes in 2025.
September 15, 2024 | Jason Mitchell | Be Real: A Real Savior | 1 John 1:1-4
Does it really matter if Jesus was real? John says he really saw the real Savior and this real Savior brings great joy. Join us as we begin a new series on the book of 1 John.
September 22, 2024 | Be Real: About Sin (Part 1) | 1 John 1:5-10
We have a real Savior who really never sinned, but we have a real problem with sin. Join us as we look at the Light of the World and how we can safely bring our sin to a perfectly holy God.
September 29, 2024 | Be Real: About Sin (Part 2) | 1 John 2:1-6
1 John 2 describes how we are to walk according to the Light of the World and experience real (but incomplete) victory over the presence of sin in our life. Join as we continue to take a real look at the real problem of our sin and the real hope we have in our real Savior.
October 6, 2024 | Be Real about Sin: The Love God Commands | 1 John 2:7-11
When we have a real relationship with God the Father, we will have a real love for fellow believers. Join us on 10/6 as we evaluate ourselves according to the rubric of love that God commands we have for other believers.
October 13, 2024 | Be Real about Sin: The Love God Condemns | 1 John 2:12-17
When we have a real relationship with God the Father, we will reject and hate what he hates. Join us on 10/13 as we look at how our identity in Christ should help us avoid loving what God hates.
October 20, 2024 | Be Real about Sin: True or False | 1 John 2:18-27
Real Christians know and follow the real Savior, believe the real truth, and receive eternal life. But John also warns us that there will be false teachers that diverge from the historic Christian faith, deceive others, and receive destruction. Join us on 10/20 as we look at how to pass this important true or false test!
October 27, 2024 | Be Real about Sin: The Son Abides | 1 John 2:28-3:10
Are you a child of God or of the Devil? God’s children purify themselves from sin, for Christ came to take away sin, but Satan’s children continue in sin’s lawlessness. Join us as we examine ourselves in light of God’s Word and see how the resurrection Christ secured for us inspires us to slay our sins and walk in righteousness as sons of the Father.
November 3,2024 | Be Real: Costly Love | 1 John 3:11-18
Join us on 11/3 as we look at the costly love of God that moves us to display love for others even when it is costly to us.
November 10, 2024 | Be Real: Confident and Correct | 1 John 3:19-4:6
John wants us to know that we know the real Christ. John says that as God's children we can confidently come to God with our requests and that we can spot the lies of our world according to the power of God's Spirit in us.
November 17, 2024 | Be Real: Perfect Love | 1 John 4:7-21
In this passage in 1 John 4, John describes the incredible love that God has for us. God's love enables us to reject the wrong fears, to reflect his love to others, and to rejoice in our right standing with God now and for all eternity.
November 24, 2024 | Be Real: Trust and Obey | 1 John 5:1-12
It is amazing how often John calls for us to believe and obey. Here in 1 John 5, John reminds us that when we believe in the gospel, we receive a new nature in Christ that enables us to rejoice in fulfilling God's commands. God enables us to experience real victory and to trust and obey.
December 1, 2024 | Be Real: Confident and Cautious | 1 John 5:13-21
John ends this letter by encouraging us and providing reasons for our assurance about eternal life. But John also cautions us about the many challenges we will face to honor God with our earthly lives.
8/4/2024 | Jonah 1 | Captured by Grace | Jason Mitchell
Join us as we begin a 4 week series looking at God's amazing grace and His incredible love for broken people. In Jonah 1, we see God capturing Jonah's attention in some unusual ways!
8/11/2024 | Jonah 2 | Running to Grace | Jason Mitchell
While in trouble, Jonah recognizes that it is never possible to outrun God's grace and Jonah turns to God's grace. Join us as we rejoice in God's amazing grace in our own lives.
8/18/2024 | Jonah 3 Unusual Repentance | Jason Mitchell
Join us as we examine the incredible impact of God's message on the people of Nineveh who repent in some unusual ways. We can rejoice that God can use us in ways that exceed our imagination!
8/25/2024 | Jonah 4 | Running from God's Heart | Jason Mitchell
Join us as we look at the ways God displays his heart for the nations and convicts Jonah about Jonah's selfishness and self-love.
September 8, 2024 | Ron Lithgow
Pictures of the Shepherd | John 10
Join Pastor Ron as he travels through John Chapter 10. We will explore the various portraits of Jesus that John captures in his gospel
September 1, 2024 | Jason Mitchell | Laboring Today | Colossians 1:28-2:7
What are you laboring for today? And do you ever feel like you just do not have enough strength and energy to complete the task? Join us on Labor Day weekend as we see God's desires for us to labor today according to His power and for His glory.
07/21/24 | Empowered and Impacting—To the Ends of the Earth | Acts 27-28
Join us on 7/21 as we celebrate 70 years as a church by looking at how God delivered Paul safely to Rome. We will see how the gospel spreads to the end of the earth in Acts and how it has spread from our church to the neighborhoods and nations in our 70 years as a church in Springfield.
07/14/24 | Empowered and Impacting—This is My Story | Acts 25-26
Paul is headed to Rome and he has not changed his story. He never forgets the grace of God that saved a wretch like him and that can save anyone. Join us on 7/14 as we are challenged to remember God's grace in our own life as we declare the gospel to others.
07/07/24 | Empowered and Impacting—Delivery Guaranteed | Acts 23:12-24:27
God promised that Paul would testify to the gospel in Rome. In Acts 23-24 we see God protecting Paul from threats against his life, but God does not release Paul from prison. Join us on 7/7 as we Paul's ongoing declaration of dependence on God despite his lack of freedom from unjust tyranny and oppression.
06/30/24 | Empowered and Impacting—Testify | Acts 21:27-23:11
Though Paul had done nothing wrong and had tried to be winsome, gentle, and wise with this gospel communication, he gets arrested. Join us on 6/30 as we learn from Paul's arrest and how he continues to testify to the gospel's saving power for all people.
06/23/24 | Empowered and Impacting—It's Not About Me | Acts 21:1-26
Paul's dedication to the communication of the gospel to all types of people serves as a great model for us today. Join us on 6/23 as we are challenged to lay aside our rights in order that others might know the gospel.
06/16/24 | Empowered and Impacting—Watch Out | Acts 20
There are several things that Acts 20 tells us to watch out for. Join us on 6/16 as we look into the text and see ways we should watch over our lives in light of the gospel.
06/09/24 | Empowered and Impacting—Righteous Repentance or Riotous Rebellion | Acts 19
Join us as we see the radical responses to the gospel in Acts 19. What should we understand about the gospel and how should we faithfully share the gospel in our culture today?
06/02/24 | Empowered and Impacting— Gospel Partnerships | Acts 18:1-28
Join us on 6/2 as we resume our series in Acts and see the relationships Paul built with others as he shared the gospel and strengthened churches. How can we partner together to strengthen our gospel witness?
03/17 | Empowered and Impacting—Talking with People about Worship | Acts 17:16-34
Evangelism exists because worship does not." Join us as we look at Paul's contextualized communication of the gospel and why he focuses on worship as he evangelizes.
03/10 | Empowered and Impacting—Turning the World Upside Down | Acts 17:1-15
The gospel changes everything! The gospel not only relates to our eternal hope, but also to our earthly lives. Join us as we look at Paul's ministry in Thessalonica and Berea from Acts 17.
03/03 | Empowered and Impacting—It's All Part of the Plan: Prison Ministry
Acts 16:6-40
Even when it isn't our Plan A, God carries out his plan for his glory. Join us as we study Acts 16:6-40 and are encouraged to trust God to carry out his mission through his people even when it involves difficult personal situations.
02/25/24 : Acts 15:36-16:5 Empowered and Impacting—It's All a Part of the Plan: The People
Even when it isn't our Plan A, God carries out his plan for his glory. Join us as we study Acts 15-16 and are encouraged to trust God to carry out his mission through his people even in situations we do not understand.
02/18/24 : Acts 15:1-35 | Empowered and Impacting—Gospel-Conflict
A challenge to the gospel came to the church in Antioch resulting in division between believers from the Pharisees and the Gentiles. The Jerusalem Council convened for both gospel clarity and gospel unity amid the challenges and cultural conflict.
02/11/24 : Acts 13:13-14:28 | Empowered and Impacting—Declaring What God Has Done
Join us on 2/11 as we study walk through the first missionary journey of Paul and see how he declares what God has done. Paul does not shrink back from declaring the gospel in the face of persecution and God uses Paul and Barnabas in mighty ways in their first mission trip!
02/04/24 : Acts 13:1-12 | Empowered and Impacting— Set Apart and Sent Out
In Acts 13:1-12 we see God's sending out missionaries from the local church to proclaim the gospel to the nations. Our sermon will focus on how God set apart people for his global work then and how he does so now
01/28/24: Acts 11:19-30| Empowered and Impacting— When You Think You Are In Control
Herod executed some leading believers, but God displays his power over Herod through the release of Peter from prison and through Herod's unusual death.
01/21/24: Acts 11:19-30| Empowered and Impacting—Sent Scattering, but Not Alone
Through his Spirit sends his people with the gospel on their lips and changes lives even as the church scatters.
01/14/24: Acts 9:32-11:18 | Empowered and Impacting—An Unlikely Convert (Part 4)
Join us as we see God’s amazing grace bringing salvation to the nations through Peter. God’s grace also unites all believers regardless of their different cultures or backgrounds.
01/07/24: Acts 9:1-31 | Empowered and Impacting—An Unlikely Convert (Part 3)
Join us as we resume working through the book of Acts. We will look at the amazing grace of God that saves Saul, the unlikely convert of Acts 9.
11/12: Acts 8:26-8:40 | When the Gospel Impacts an Unusual Religious Pilgrim
God puts Philip in just the right place at just the right time to interact with a very unusual religion pilgrim. God also appoints our interactions with all types of people for gospel purposes today.
11/05: Acts 8:3-8:25 | When the Gospel Goes to Your Enemies and Magicians
Instead of persecution stomping out the gospel, the flames of the gospel spread to Samaria. Join us as we also look at Simon the Sorcerer trying to purchase the power of the Spirit.
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10/29: Acts 6:8-8:2 | What's the Worst Thing that Could Happen?
Join us as we look at Stephen's bold sermon that resulted in his death and the spreading of the gospel beyond Jerusalem.
10/22: Acts 5:12-6:7 | What Problems Need Solved?
Was persecution a problem for the early church to solve? We will look at how the early church began to solve problems and see how we can respond by God's power when facing problematic situations.
10/15: Acts 4:32-5:11 Daring and Sharing
God has dared us to share our treasures with each other for his glory. We will also see the deadly mistake one couple made when daring God through their sin.
10/01: Acts 2:42-47 Marks of a Healthy Church
Join us as look at the ways God was working in and through the early church. This Sunday we will hear from all 4 of our pastors about how we can also be a healthy church today.
09/24: Acts 3: There's Something about that Name
The apostles were not so busy with crowds that they did not have time for people. Join us as we look at a miraculous healing that leads to another powerful sermon about the person and work of Christ.
9/17: Acts 2:1-41 Happy Birthday Church
The waiting is over and God's Spirit arrives and empowers God's people to impact the world. Join us as we see God's Spirit apply the truths about Christ to the heart then and as we ask God to do the same today.
9/10: Acts 1 Worshiping and Waiting
Join us as we begin this new series walking through the book of Acts. Why would the disciples wait and how did they worship while waiting? What does that mean for our witnessing?
Christ offers forgiveness to rebels like us. This passage offends us by suggesting that we are ignorant of God's great plans and by suggesting that we require forgiveness in general, both for our rebelliousness and our ignorance. We all require forgiveness, even when we don't know what we are doing.
4/7 | DID JESUS REALLY SAY: BE PERFECT | Matt. 5:48 with 1 Peter 1:14-21
Any imperfection is a great offense against a holy God who does not lower his expectations to accept any sin. God's has an expectation for believers to walk not in ignorance, but in the power of the Spirit to live out lives of holiness. This message includes the gospel for non-believers still, but starts working out our salvation with a call to not allow God to become second place in our lives.
4/14 | DID JESUS REALLY SAY: DON'T FOLLOW YOUR HEART | Luke 9:57-62 & Romans 12:1-2
Christ commands that he is in first place in our lives with no rivals and we are be perfect as living sacrifices in light of the salvation we receive in Christ.
4/21 | DID JESUS REALLY SAY: MONEY IS EVIL | Matthew 6:19-24 and 1 Timothy 6:6-10, 17-19
What does Jesus say about money and whether or not money is evil? We will look at following Jesus and not our hearts as we look at biblical texts that teach us about the goodness of God in providing for us and what we should do with what he has entrusted to us.
Does the Bible call us not to worry, but instead to pursue happiness? How does knowing that God is the source of our security and the source of all true delights change our perspective on needing to be in control? Join us as we look at these topics on Sunday 4/28.
05/05 DID JESUS REALLY SAY: DON'T JUDGE | Matthew 5:27-30; 7:1-6; 22:40 & Romans 12:9-10
How are we called to love and what, if anything, are we ever called to hate? How should we treat our own sin?
05/12 DID JESUS REALLY SAY: BAD PARENTING CAUSES SIN | James 1:12-15 & Matthew 18:7-9
Does good parenting guarantee good and godly kids? Does bad parenting guarantee ungodly kids? Join us on Mother's Day as we take a look at the seriousness of sin and the source of sin.
For 5/19 | DID JESUS REALLY SAY: CHURCH IS ONLY FOR THE GIFTED AND TALENTED | Exodus 36:1-8 & 1 Corinthians 12
Does God expect all believers to serve him as part of a local church? What should you do if you don't feel like you have any special gifts or talents? Join us on 5/19 as we look at how God has gifted us all for service in the church which includes using seemingly less spiritual sounding talents
5/26/2024 | Ephesians: An Overview | Jacob Boyd
What does it look like to live your life with eternal significance? The book of Ephesians gives us the answer and it might surprise you.
03/24 | The King Is Here! | Matthew 21:1-11 | Chaplain Stan Smith
We will look at the ‘triumphal entry’ Jesus made into Jerusalem. What made it a triumph knowing that he would be crucified later that week? What did it mean that Jesus rode in as the King of Glory, and what does this mean for us today? We will look at the city being ‘stirred up’ and reflect on how we are ‘stirred up’ (or not) by Jesus’ presence in our lives.
3/28 | Maundy Thursday | John 13-16
Remember Jesus' last days on earth. We will celebrate the Lord's supper, worship in both His word and Songs of Adoration.
3/29 | Good Friday | John 18-19
Come see how such a sad day can should bring joy. Worship as we read and sing through Jesus' attoning death on the cross.
3/31 | Resurrection Sunday | Luke 23:32-43
Christ offers forgiveness to rebels like us. This passage offends us by suggesting that we are ignorant of God's great plans and by suggesting that we require forgiveness in general, both for our rebelliousness and our ignorance. We all require forgiveness, even when we don't know what we are doing.
11/19 | Thanksgiving in the Psalms | Psalms 111
Join us as we thank God from A to Z from Psalm 111.
11/26: Psalm 98 | Joy
Israel had joy while waiting on the Savior to come. We look back with joy and we look ahead to his return with joy. Order or Worship | Recording
12/3: Psalm 89 | Love
Let's look at the covenant keeping God who displays his love through the offspring of David Order of Worship | Recording
12/10: Psalm 110 | Hope
As we long for justice and for all things to be made well, we place our hope in the same Savior that was prophesied about in Psalm 110. Order of Worship | Recording
12/17: Psalm 85 | PEACE
There are many things to lament even during the holiday season. In the midst of a broken world, we cling to the peace that God can provide. Order of Worship | Recording
12/24: Psalm 22 | Jesus
Christ was born to die that I may live and share His life with others!
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12/24: Psalm 72 | Cradle to Crown
Christ was born to die that I may live and share His life with others!
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12/31: Psalm 96 | A Psalm for the New Year
Join us as we finish the year by asking God to bring revival in our church and around the globe that people might sing anew of his glory.
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04-16-2023 | Encounters: The Shamed (John 21:15-19)
04-09-2023 | Encounters: The Skeptical (John 20:24-31)
04-02-2023 | Encounters: The Powerful (John 18:28-19:16)
03-19-2023 | A Hope for Reconciled Sinners (Romans 7:21-8:4)
03-12-2023 | Encounters with Jesus: The Blind (John 9:1-41)
03-05-2023 | Encounters with Jesus: The Outcast (John 4:1-42)
02-26-2023 | Finding Followers (John 1:35-51)
Let's Talk About It! (Special Topics)
Join Pastor Jason, Jacob, and Sam for a special 1 hour discussion about transgenderism. We will discuss biblical perspectives and cultural pressures on this hot-button issue that is increasingly impacting people of all ages.
Sermon Audio Recordings Available
Recordings of the 10:30 am worship service held in the Sanctuary are available on DVD by request. Use the contact form to request your DVD.