When Should I Return to the Church Building - Pastor Ron

Currently virus numbers are trending down and some in the church have received their first or second dose of the vaccine.  With that in mind, over the next few weeks, our staff will be providing a series of articles to help you think through when you should return to the church building.  It is our goal to encourage you to prayerfully consider when you should return and not to make you feel guilty for watching from home (unless God has shown you that you should return, and you have not done so yet).

Today (2/26) I, (Pastor Ron), would like to offer some thoughts on this question.
As a group, we seniors are undoubtedly in the highest risk category for serious
complications from Covid. Unfortunately Covid has also become a political
football so that that attempting to understand the “science” is difficult. There are
competing voices, some voices are being silenced, and some voices seem to
alter their “recommendations” on a fairly regular basis. It makes us wonder what
we actually should do!

May I suggest something that we clearly should NOT do? “Do not be afraid!” It
is a direct command and encouragement used over 70 times in God's Word!
Whether people were facing lions, an enemy army, hunger, social pressure, or a
variety of other circumstances, God wanted His people to know they could trust
Him to lead and provide for them. Our God is still the same today!!

If you are in relationship with God there is also a desire to gather with His people.
That is a good desire! He will show you the right time and the right means to
fulfill that desire, but we do not need to be afraid!

There are MANY risks we must balance each day - driving a car, is the weather
too bad to be out, can I change that light bulb, etc. But we consider those risks
prayerfully and logically and we accept the risks we feel are reasonable. God will
show you when this risk/reward consideration shows that you can join His people
in worship. We will be delighted to see you at that point and we pray that you will

know His sweet companionship until then.