Elementary Vacation Bible School $10

July 28-August 1


Elementary Vacation Bible School

 July 28-August 1



Elementary Vacation Bible School

 July 28-August 1



Elementary Vacation Bible School

 July 28-August 1



Elementary Vacation Bible School

 July 28-August 1




Our goal is to connect children to the good news of Jesus!

This year's theme is "Magnified!"


Your kids will look closely at the details of God’s amazing world and magnify, or proclaim, the greatness of God. God made us, cares about us, loves us, forgives us, and is faithful to keep all His promises to us. We can praise God together! We were made to magnify God!  

Ministry Overview

Children's Camp

 June 23-27

Elementary Vacation Bible School

 July 28-August 1



Sunday Mornings


At FBC Springfield we love teaching and caring for the elementary school children entrusted to us.  In addition to teaching our children the truths about God, we believe God wants to work through our children now instead of them having to grow older before they begin serving others.  For this reason our Children's Ministry regularly connects across the generations of our church through service projects and activities that bless senior adults or the whole church.  


Next-Generation Ministry Objectives:

  • Children to know who the Bible is about and why it is true and authoritative.
  • Children to cultivate a Christ-centered faith that produces spiritual fruit.
  • Children to pursue the Great Commission in and outside the local church.


As with all programming for minors, all regular volunteers have been screened via a background check and have been trained regarding best practices for safety and security.  Our children's ministry director is Carol Stewart (Carol's Bio).

Bible Study | 9:15AM-10:15AM
Worship | 10:30AM-11:30AM

Wednesday Evenings

Children's Camp

 June 23-27

Children's Camp

 June 23-27

Wednesday Evenings

Destination Kids Drama | 6:30-7:00PM: 
Girls In Action (GA's) & Boys On Track | 7:00-7:30PM:

Wednesday Nights


Wednesday Evenings

Elementary Vacation Bible School

 July 28-August 1



Destination Kids Drama | 6:30-7:00PM: 
Girls In Action (GA's) & Boys On Track | 7:00-7:30PM:


Our goal is to connect children to the good news of Jesus!

This year's theme is "Magnified!"


Your kids will look closely at the details of God’s amazing world and magnify, or proclaim, the greatness of God. God made us, cares about us, loves us, forgives us, and is faithful to keep all His promises to us. We can praise God together! We were made to magnify God! 


Sunday Mornings
(Year Round)


9:15AM-10:15AM:  During this hour, the elementary children are divided into age-graded classes to learn biblical truths about God, Christ, and how they should live in light of the gospel.  We have a great team of committed teachers that invest each week in our younger ones during the Sunday morning Bible study hour.


10:30AM-11:30AM:   We believe that our children learn a lot by being in at least part of the worship service on Sunday morning.  Prior to the sermon, we dismiss our younger children (K-2nd Grade) to children's church for an age-appropriate, fun-filled lesson.  We also offer activity pages and coloring pages for children of all ages to participate with the content of the service and Pastor Jason makes an effort to regularly interact with our children in the service. Children's church is every Sunday except the 1st Sunday of the month.


(During the School Year)


(During the School Year)

CLUB | 6:15PM-7:30PM:


Sunday Evenings


6:15PM-7:30PM:  On Sunday nights during the school year, our preschool children and elementary children can participate in our AWANA program.  AWANA teaches children to learn the truths about God and the Bible in a fun and rewarding environment.  See our AWANA page for more information or to register your children for this awesome program.

Wednesday Evenings

Wednesday Evenings (During the School Year)

Wednesday Evenings

Destination Kids Drama | 6:30-7:00PM: 
Girls In Action (GA's) & Boys On Track | 7:00-7:30PM:

Destination Kids Drama @ 6:30-7:00PM: First - 6th Grade two gospel-centered dramas (winter and spring) each year. Children will enjoy learning about Jesus through music, choir, and drama.

Back to the Cross Schedule

Girls In Action (GA's) & Boys On Track @ 7:00-7:30PM: Mission activities for girls // sports and devotion with a mission focus for boys (Kindergarden - 6th Grade). 

Wednesday Evenings

(During the School Year)

Wednesday Evenings

Destination Kids Drama | 6:30-7:00PM: 
Girls In Action (GA's) & Boys On Track | 7:00-7:30PM:

Destination Kids Drama @ 6:30-7:00PM: Kindergarden - 6th Grade two gospel-centered dramas (winter and spring) each year. Children will enjoy learning about Jesus through music, choir, and drama.


Girls In Action (GA's) & Boys On Track @ 7:00-7:30PM: Mission activities for girls // sports and devotion with a mission focus for boys (Kindergarden - 6th Grade). 

Special Events
through the year!

There is always something fun and exciting on the calendar of our children's ministry including Vacation Bible School, Easter Egg Hunts , pool days,  game nights, and so much more. 

At FBCSpringfield we know that God has created every child in a unique and wonderful way! We want to get know your child better.  Please take a moment to fill out this important form. 


Does your kiddo have special needs? If you are currently worshiping with us, or planning to, Click here to contact our childrens' ministry director to have a conversation about how we can more meaningfully serve your family.  

At FBCSpringfield we take the safety of our children seriously. Did you miss the last safety meeting? Please take a moment to review the training.

Special Events through the year!

There is always something fun and exciting on the calendar of our children's ministry including pool days, slip and slide parties, game nights, and so much more. 


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