Ministry Overview

Ministry Overview
Next-Generation Ministry Objectives:

At FBCSpringfield we know that God has created every child in a unique and wonderful way!  Does your kiddo have special needs? If you are currently worshiping with us, or planning to, contact our preschool ministry director to have a conversation about how we can more meaningfully serve your family.  

Sunday Mornings


Sunday Nights (AWANA)


Wednesday Nights


Wednesday Evenings

Preschool Vacation Bible School

 June 2-June 6



Wednesday Evenings

Destination Kids Drama | 6:30-7:00PM: 
Girls In Action (GA's) & Boys On Track | 7:00-7:30PM:


Our goal is to connect children to the good news of Jesus!

This year's theme is "Magnified!"


Your kids will look closely at the details of God’s amazing world and magnify, or proclaim, the greatness of God. God made us, cares about us, loves us, forgives us, and is faithful to keep all His promises to us. We can praise God together! We were made to magnify God! 


Sunday Mornings


9:15AM-10:15AM  During this hour, the preschool children learn biblical truths about God, Christ, and how they should live in light of the gospel.  We have a great team of committed teachers that invest each week in our little ones during the Sunday morning Bible study hour.


10:15AM-11:30AM During the worship service, a rotating team of trained volunteers serves our families by providing a safe and fun environment for children so that parents can worship without having to wrestle with their little ones in the pews.  We also have a "cry room" for parents that want to keep their little ones with them during the worship service, but who get a little restless during the service.  The "cry room" is located just outside the sanctuary and has a video stream of the worship service.  

Sunday Nights


6:15PM-7:30PM:  On Sunday nights during the school year, our preschool children and elementary children can participate in our AWANA program.  AWANA teaches children to learn the truths about God and the Bible in a fun and rewarding environment.  See our AWANA page for more information or to register your children for this awesome program.


Children that are 3 or 4 can participate in AWANA Cubbies which begins teaching children to know and treasure the Bible.  


Nursery is only available for children of volunteers on Sunday evenings, unless a special, short-term Bible study is also occurring.  

Wednesday Nights

6:30-7:30PM:  While parents are in Bible study, our children participate in preschool choir and mission friends.  They do crafts, games, and sing about God's love while also learning about how people all around the globe tell others about God's love.  Wednesday night preschool ministry meets during the school year.


If you are volunteering or in an adult Bible study, nursery is available on Wednesday evenings for children too young to be in mission friends.

Mission Friends

A ministry for preschoolers from birth through kindergarten. In Mission Friends, preschoolers develop a missions heart as they move from a focus on themselves to a focus on others. Preschoolers grow toward God as they become aware that God wants everyone to know of His love.


Day School

Day School

First Baptist Christian Day School

FBC Springfield has minstered to thousands of children in our community for more than 50 years through First Baptist Christian Day School, the weekday preschool ministry of the church.  For more details on this 9:30am-12:30pm ministry, please visit the Day School Ministry page.

At FBCSpringfield we know that God has created every child in a unique and wonderful way! We want to get know your child better.  Please take a moment to fill out this important form. 


Does your kiddo have special needs? If you are currently worshiping with us, or planning to, Click here to starting having a conversation about how we can more meaningfully serve your family.  

At FBCSpringfield we take the safety of our children seriously. Did you miss the last safety meeting? Please take a moment to review the training.



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