The Youth Band is an opportunity to serve the student ministry through music. The band rehearses Sundays at 5:30 pm in the Youth Room in preparation for leading worship. All student musicians are welcome.
Ministry Overview
We exist to glorify God by reaching students for Christ. We teach what it means to be reconciled and recreated into His image. We intentionally connect with and equip students through Bible-centered teaching, while also showing them what it looks like to be gospel-centered disciples of Jesus Christ.
As with all programming for minors, all regular volunteers have been screened via a background check and have been trained regarding best practices for safety and security. Our Pastor of Student Ministries is Jacob Boyd (bio page).
Sunday Mornings
9:15AM-10:15AM: During this hour students learn biblical truths about God and how they should live in light of the gospel. We are currently going through the book of Titus. Please contact Pastor Jacob for more information.
10:30AM-11:30AM: Our students participate in the entirety of the corporate worship service each week, at times playing significant roles as volunteers.
Student Band Practice
5:30PM-6:00PM: The Youth Band is an opportunity to serve the student ministry through music. The band rehearses Sundays at 5:30 pm in the Youth Room in preparation for leading worship. All student musicians are welcome. Music resources can be found here.
Sunday Nights
6:00PM-7:30PM: On Sunday nights our students have their large group gatherings. This includes a time of organized games, Bible study, and small groups. Sunday nights are a great time to bring a friend and to experience community while growing in their knowledge of and love for God.
Wednesday Nights
6:45-8:00PM: On Wednesday nights our students serve in various roles including Boys on Track, Girls in Action, Mission Friends, Children's Choir, Preschool Choir, and Tech support. This is the time when our students get to learn what it looks like to serve their church. Please contact Pastor Jacob to find out how you can get plugged in on Wednesday nights.
Special Events
Our student ministry participates in numerous special events, retreats, and mission projects/camps. Some of these include: Being Neighborly Outreach, REC Weekend, game nights, and escape room adventures. Additionally, our students regularly serve in the broader life of the church through events like VBS and the Easter Egg Hunt. Last summer, our students participated in MFuge Summer Camp @ Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA. Stay tuned for the next major trip!
Pictures From Past Events