The Growth Institute

The Growth Institute exists to help grow disciples by sharpening their biblical and theological convictions by studying four specific disciplines: Bible Survey/Hermeneutics, Systematic Theology, Church History, and Practical Theology.


Apologetics & Evangelism (Fall 2022)

On Wednesdays at 7:30pm in Fellowship Hall

Fall Semester 2022 Schedule

Click Below For Notes

Click Below For Video


Week 1: Introduction to Christian Apologetics and God's Mission (9/07)


Week 2: The Christian Worldview: Authority, Faith, and Reason (9/14)


Week 3: Morality, Justice, and Beauty (9/21)


Week 4: Culture, Art, and The Story of God (9/28)


Week 5: The Role of the Spirit in Apologetics and Evangelism (10/05)


Week 6: The Gospel and the Reliability of Scripture (10/12)


Week 7: Evidence of the Resurrection (10/19)


Week 8: Sharing Your Testimony as Evangelism (10/26)


Week 9: Evangelism and The Role of The Church (11/02)


Week 10: The Problem of Evil (11/09)


Week 11: Defending Your Faith From Common Objections (11/16)


Week 12: Sharing Your Faith in the Neighborhood (11/30)


Week 13: Going into the Neighborhood (12/07)


No Notesheet This Week



No Video This Week



Week 14: World Religions and the Gospel (12/14)


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